It’s the safest place in northeast Georgia, owing to the presence of anywhere from two to a dozen of Cobb County’s Finest. No doubt they are attracted by the prospect of eating Toroidal Foodstuffs: Anything that resembles a doughnut is fair game for the boys in blue. (And just in case any of ’em are reading this, just kidding, guys!)
One of the gentlemen who was sitting next to me - Mayer, a jocular fellow in his upper 80’s - asked me a most unbreakfasty question: “Wanna see my stool sample?”
When an individual of a certain age asks a question like that, anything is possible.
Of course, being Elisson, I had to say yes. And of course, he being Mayer, I knew what was coming:
It must be very painful to poop out a sample of stool in such a shape.
You're the only adult I know who would be brave enough to say "Yes" to that question.
Seriously love this!!
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