The church has been gracious enough to extend holiday greetings to us, their Abrahamic brethren, in these days of the Yomim Noraim, the Days of Awe. Lookit:
This made me laugh out loud.
While we appreciate the kind sentiment - really! - it should be noted that Yom Kippur is a day of solemnity, of fasting and beating the breast as we confess our sins and pray for absolution. The happiest part of the day is when it’s over... when we go home from the synagogue knowing that we’ve wiped the metaphorical Sin-Slate clean for another year... and when we can eat and drink again.
Ahhh, our Lutheran friends. They meant well, and that’s what really counts.
That looks like an expensive church sign... wonder why they can't afford L's.
A "piece" of God that passeth all misunderstanding?
You should try our minyan one day.
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