One Big Happy, 15 November 2010, by Rick Detorie. ©2010 Creators Syndicate. [Click to embiggen.]
Grandpa and I are kindred spirits... because I’ve told this same, stupid joke 10,000 times, in at least as many variations:
What do you call Brussels sprouts in Brussels?
What do you call Brazil nuts in Brazil?
What do you call Belgian waffles in Belgium?
What do you call French fries in France?
Pommes frites.
...Und so weiter.
And American cheese (or processed cheese) is called what in America?
@Rich - Cheese. Or, in this household, "crap."
What about Mars Bars on Mars?
Russian Dressing in Russia? Polish Sausage in Poland?
Bars. Dressing. Sausage.
...and I suppose Venetian Blinds in Venice are just "Blinds"? Why..I think this may have been the greatest caper of all time! We've been hoodwinked!...We've been bamboozled!
And on this site, Cheese Blintzes are just... Blintzes.
A boomerang that won't come back?
Just another dang stick.
Gerry N.
Now wait a minute...MUST a Blintz be cheese? Please see this definition...
French Fries are Patates frites in Quebec.
Meat pie is Tourtière.
Rien du tout est Pantoute.
I could carry on.....
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