The menu for this year’s Aubrey-Maturin Dinner, held on Sequential Day (12-13-14). “Nothing Exceeds like Excess,” quoth Captain Jack.
The stalwart Salts of the Royal Navy
Eat British Beef with steaming Gravy.
Accompanied by Yorkshire Puddings
And ev’ry Sort of tasty good Things.
They drink of Sherry and of Claret
Sufficient to enflood a Garret.
And should you ask them why they’re grinning,
’Twould be the Goose with all the Trimmings.
But that’s not all: Here come the Afters -
(Their Merriment doth shake the Rafters.)
A Figgy Pudding served aflame
And Sticky Toffee end the Game.
A crusty Pipe of vintage Port’s
The Drink to which they now resort.
Accompanied by fragrant Stilton,
By now their Appetites are wiltin’.
And thus we honour Pat O’Brian
To whom we build this Foodly Shri-an:
Creator of Aubrey and Maturin,
Our Royal In-spi-ra-ti-on!
"Gangnam, Bah"? Forsooth!
Is this some sort of provocation, sir? Has there not already been enough Jewish-Korean violence to fill a thousand oil tankers with blood? When, O when, will this long enmity finally come to a close? Will we ever see the day when free-range Jews and organically grown Koreans lustily dust each other with crumbled matzoh and playfully fling kimchi at each other's groins in a great celebration of Jew-rean harmony? Surely, surely, we must work toward peace! Tikkun olam!
Of course, this noble world-repairing would all go more smoothly if you just passed me some of your beef. And Stilton. And maybe a healthy-sized hunk of Yorkshire pudding...
Kevin, if you can contrive to be in the States next December, that can be arranged.
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