Friday, February 7, 2014


Darth Elisson
Darth Elisson.

I don’t care that blogging is dead -
I just wear a colander on my head!

Today we present Darth Elisson, who (courtesy of Houston Steve) is sporting a natty black plastic model that vaguely resembles the topper worn by Dark Helmet in Spaceballs.

We are pleased to note that the latest Cook’s Illustrated magazine showed up in our mailbox yesterday evening. Just in time for Colander Head Friday, the March/April 2014 issue featured an in-depth review of colanders [subscription required to see the full results], a video extract of which we are pleased to present herewith:

I’ve always liked Cook’s Illustrated. Their exhaustively tested recipes rarely disappoint, and now that they have enshrined the Pasta Strainer in their sacred pages, I am even willing to forgive them their ridiculously aggressive marketing tactics. My only complaint - and it is, admittedly, a trivial one - is that they evaluated colanders based only on their pasta straining functionality without regard to their utility as Perforated Headgear. Comfort counts too, ya know!

Ahh, well. Baby steps.

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