Thursday, October 24, 2013


Gatherings of bloggers (or former bloggers) do not run solely on the energy generated by their Witty Repartee, no, no. They are fueled by food and drink, the latter largely consisting of Adult Beverages.  The recent get-together at Eric’s was no exception, and there was plenty of tasty stuff to keep the hunger and sobriety pangs away.

Nolet's Gin
A lovely bottle of Nolet’s gin. [Photo: Erica Sherman.]

A Nolet’s gin and tonic? Why, don’t mind if I do.

Two fine malts. The one on the left is from the Tobermory distillery on the island of Mull.

What? There’s single malt Scotch too? I suppose a wee dram or two (or five) won’t hurt.

Eric is a master at the grill. Here’s a pile of his dastardly mustardly country-style ribs... 

Eric's Dastardly Mustardly Ribs

An assortment of home-canned goodies, courtesy of Miss Callie...

Callie's Preserves

And then there’s the Sweet Stuff...

Pistachio and Sour Cherry Biscotti
Pistachio and sour cherry biscotti.

Chocolate Bread
Chocolate bread. (Yes, chocolate bread.)

Alas, I have no photos of Bou’s pumpkin-apple dump cake or of SWMBO’s apricot kugel (a perennial favorite), but you can bet they both got devoured.

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