Friday, September 20, 2013


Just as doctors must deal with unpleasant bodily fluids and plumbers must deal with shit, bloggers must deal with comment spam: comments that are placed solely for the purpose of disseminating links to various (mostly shady) websites. 

I love how comment spammers always manage to sound like the Festrunk Brothers.

Generally, I delete this crap without even looking at it, but this one struck me as amusing... mainly on account of the site it was trying to advertise.

Hi there, this weekend is pleasant in favor of me, since this time i am reading this great informative article here at my home. Check out my site ... hair removal from nose for men

Gotta love that syntax!  “Hair removal from nose for men.”  Can “wax removal from ear for men” be far behind?

And the post this little gem was attached to?  This one... which makes me wonder whether nose hair is an especially serious issue in the Russian and/or Ukrainian immigrant community.  My guess would be yes.

Update:  And here’s another one that just landed on the same post, further supporting my Russian Facial Hair Thesis:

Wow, this post is pleasant, my younger sister is analyzing these things, thus I am going to tell her. Feel free to surf to my blog facial hair removal qvc

Spam!  Gotta love it.  No, wait.  I don’t gotta love it.


  1. Among my relatives in Korea are my mother's cousins, the youngest of whom is probably somewhere around 60, plus or minus a couple years. That particular cousin has some of the most incredible nostril hair I've ever seen. I don't understand how the man can breathe. It's as if he's got two HEPA filters jammed into his nose. Disgusting, yet riveting.

  2. Thanks, Kevin - now I'm gonna have that image burned into my brain all day.

    Horrifying as that is, I once knew a guy - a colleague at the Great Corporate Salt Mine - who had huge tufts of black hair that grew on his earlobes. Not in the ear canal, mind you, but on the lobes themselves. Gave him a sort of space alien appearance.

  3. Our genes play havoc with us, and some lie dormant, until we reach a certain age, before they activate.

    I never understood why people with too much hair in all the wrong places refuse to shave or depilate. Did they simply give up after a while? Embrace their hairiness?

    I saw an otherwise cute girl in a Bethlehem, PA sandwich shop who had a nice, wispy, ear-to-ear ginger beard going. There was a woman at our church who was infamous for her very visible mustache. And I remember being distracted by Walter Matthau's luxuriant ear hair (his may also have been growing on the lobes; I'm not sure) when I attempted to sit through "The Odd Couple 2."

    Why not remove the hair? Why?


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