Saturday, September 28, 2013


Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah
The boys enjoy Meat and Malt in the Mishkan. [Photo ©2013 Kissed with Light Photography, used with permission.]

This Tuesday just past afforded me and a few of the guys an opportunity to enjoy a few wee drams and some Tasty Meatstuffs.  Yes - it was our annual “Steak in the Sukkah, Tipple in the Tabernacle” Men’s Club event.

It’s hard to argue over the merits of a Black Angus 20-ounce bone-in ribeye.  Kosher, no less!  Mine was done to a perfect medium-rare, and while the green salad and baked potato that kept it company on the plate were not especially fancy, they were just right.

And then there was the single-malt Scotch.  Six of ’em, with flavor profiles ranging to mellow caramel to full on peat and smoke.

Scotch Selections of 2013
Six - count ’em! - six kinds of Scotchy Goodness.  [Photo ©2013 Kissed with Light Photography, used with permission.]

Surprisingly, there were leftovers.  (Of Scotch, not steak.)  Those ended up in the Men’s Club liquor locker, to be trotted out during Simchat Torah, when it is traditional to drink until one cannot tell Genesis from Deuteronomy, and on random Sabbaths.  L’chaim!

Me and my Aberlour
Me and Mr. Aberlour. This bottle was the first to go. Ave atque (hic!) vale!  [Photo ©2013 Kissed with Light Photography, used with permission.]


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