Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Springtime Bouquet
The flowers that bloom in the Spring, tra la.

Spring has, as they say, sprung, with the vernal equinox occurring at 7:02 am today.

Ya gotta love spring in the Southland.  In the last couple of days, the Bradford pears, forsythia, and redbuds have begun bursting into bloom, shortly to be followed by the cherry blossoms, azaleas, and dogwoods.  (Maybe this year the azaleas will hold off so they won’t have withered by the time they play the Masters.)

Spring in the Southland means sitting in front of the teevee set, watching as lines of thunderstorms approach, bringing the ever-present possibility of destruction by tornadic winds.  Just a couple of days ago we huddled in the basement as our house was whipped by high winds and pelted with pea-size hail.  Yeef.

Spring in the Southland means sports.  The Tennis Ladies are out in force, filling the neighborhood courts.  As we enter the period of March Madness, April Assholery is sure to follow, bringing the Boys of Summer.  Play ball!

Springtime means Passover, with its message of renewal and redemption cloaked in constipaton-inducing unleavened bread.  I can’t wait.  For our Christian friends, it is also the redemptive season - Easter arrives on the ultimate day of the month.

Is Spring my favorite season of the year? No, not really. I always look forward to Fall, with its cool, crisp mornings and the changing colors of autumn leaves. Nevertheless, there is a lot to love about springtime in the South. You can be sure that I will try to enjoy every minute.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing blooming around here are the crocuses and daffodils. I'll be glad when we get some decent spring weather.


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