You can miss out on some wonderful Bits ’o Humor if you merely skim the blogposts and Facebook statuses on your routine passes through the Webz. Sometimes it pays to read ’em all the way through.
Submitted by way of an example is this Facebook status recently put up by our friend Debbie, who was in Chicago for a wedding last weekend while simultaneously celebrating another Trip Around the Sun. The first time I read it I merely scanned it... but a more thorough reading is much more amusing:
Thank you so much to all of my wonderful family and friends for your beautiful birthday wishes. Would have loved to spend my day with all of you, especially Sid, but am excited to be in Chicago with my Mom, Aurora and Peyton, my dearest family of my
sidterinlesustrrinleies haft
This, as Debbie freely admits, is what happens when you try to update your Facebook status after ingesting a goodly bolus of Ambien... and it’s pretty obvious exactly when it took effect.
I thought that might've been Yiddish.