Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Momma, 1945
The Momma d’Elisson, age 17, in her high school graduation photo.

Today is her eighty-fifth birthday.

Anyone who, like myself, plans to raise a glass in her memory would do well to have her favorite, a Perfect Rob Roy.  You can find a serviceable recipe here.

Update: It was Poker Night this evening.  When I arrived at Houston Steve’s place, I saw that the ever-thoughtful Steve had already laid out all the fixin’s for that Perfect Rob Roy.  Blended Scotch, sweet and dry vermouths, Peychaud’s bitters, and lemon peels for garnish... everything present and accounted for.  I mixed up a round of those Rob Roys right then and there.  They put everyone in a good mood for our game, and their flavor was a spirited reminder of a very special lady.   

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