Monday, October 1, 2012


Brando, the newest member of Morris William’s household.

No, don’t panic: Hakuna is still alive and well... for now, anyway.  We’re not trying to replace her any time soon, especially while she still is here to defend her turf.  (She’ll have plenty of opportunity to do that while Bernadette, the Mistress of Sarcasm’s kitty, settles in for an extended visit.)

This is Brando, Morris William’s new cat.  He’s a ragdoll, which mean he will grow to an immense size - circa 20 pounds - and yet be as pliant and cuddly as a furry beanbag. Hell, just looking at him, don’tcha want to just reach right through your screen and grab him?

The missus is beside herself with Cat-Envy.  Oy.


  1. Help... gorgeous ragdoll kitty... heart melting... must skritch... help....

  2. I'm curious as to whether Ragdolls really do turn into an armful of CatJello when you pick them up. Sooner or later they've got to get annoyed and turn into the typical ball of claws and fur...


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