Friday, August 10, 2012


This morning, as we gathered at the Local Bagel and Smoked Fish Emporium for our usual post-minyan breakfast, an Asian family - mother, father, two young kids - came in and sat down.

Being the outgoing sort, I went over to introduce myself... and, as I espied the platters of smoked fish and bagels on their table, I couldn’t help but ask: “Do you eat this sort of stuff often?”

The father replied, “Oh, yes. We go out for Jewish food every week.  Only one problem, though...”

I could see it coming.  It was all I could do to avoid the Eye-Roll.

“A week later, you’re hungry again.”

[OK, part of this story is true.  Guess which part.]


  1. Damn, I can't tell you how long I've wanted to eat dinner at your house!

    Yep. It's been awhile.

    LOng story short, I quit writing at Patriside a couple years after taking a newspaper job. Just too much writing. Then, when I quit the newspaper to start a freelance writing career, I started blogging again.

    Weird how the world works.

    Anyway, the new digs are over at and somewhat different from what I used to do... hope to see you!

  2. Why, Mr. McQuiggin! Glad to see you're back in the Bloggy Saddle - funny how real life gets in the way, innit?

    I had, coincidentally, stopped by Patriside just the other day to see if you were still at it. Alas... but now I know.

    Cool runnings!

  3. Likewise, I stopped by your old place then followed your suggestion. Nice place! Forgive me for not digging around more but I *will* be back.

    So good to see a familiar face. So far, it seems like 9 out of 10 of my old blogging friends have shuffled off into the ether...

    Happy days! I end each night's blogging with a cocktail recipe, the intent being (to take a twist on Timothy Leary) to provide "set and setting."


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