Monday, May 28, 2012


I enjoy a good mug of suds every so often, but my love of beer pale-ales in comparison to this young man’s.

The son of friends of long standing, Chris is freshly returned from two years of teaching English in Japan   His current mission is to travel the length and breadth of our great nation, visiting Beer Gardens every step of the way, in order to absorb atmosphere, information, and (not incidentally) brewskis a-plenty.  The eventual goal is to open his own Beer Garden.

This is precisely the sort of thing I should have done when I was young and (relatively) unencumbered.  But, alas, I did not, an omission for which my waistline and liver both thank me.

Go pay the young man’s site a visit... and, better yet, travel along with him and enjoy his Beery Adventures vicariously.  And be sure to tell him Elisson sent ya!

1 comment:

  1. To Elisson, blogger role model, for the friendly plug - Toast of the 9S (explained at Neiners Beer Garden Diary) from Mom9er


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