Monday, May 21, 2012


The Moshe Ribeinu team
The award-winning Moshe Ribeinu kosher BBQ team. From L to R: Elisson, Bartimus Magnificus, Job Johnny. 

For the third year in a row, I joined a small army of my Men’s Club buddies to compete in the “When Pigs Fly” Kosher BBQ Cook-Off in Birmingham.

“When Pigs Fly” is a clever enough title for the event, that being approximately when pigs will be considered kosher.  It’s also a sly hat-tip to the event’s sponsor, Piggly Wiggly, the well-known Southern supermarket chain.

You can’t expect to make decent barbecue without a supply of well-soaked hickory chunks.

I’ve written about this event before, so there’s no need to go into overmuch detail.  Suffice it to say that we were disappointed to have returned empty-handed, having managed to avoid winning, placing, or showing in a single category.  No new swag for the trophy case this year, alas.

And yet, from the standpoint of Quality of Food, I would have to say that this year we produced the best barbecue we’ve ever made at this event.  Yes, I know I’m not a disinterested party, but I know what good is... and our stuff was good.  No: It was superb.

Our beans had great flavor, with a touch of Tennessee whiskey and a hint of habañero to provide a pleasant, punchy piquancy.  The ribs had the right balance of smoke and spice.  And the brisket... ohhhh, the brisket.  A monster eleven-pounder, it came out of the smoker jacketed with a gorgeous layer of smoke and bark.  It was amazingly moist and tender, yet not overcooked and falling apart.  If I had to do it over again, I wouldn’t change a single thing.

BBQ Beans
The beans were kicked up with a judicious dose of Jack Daniels, garlic, onion, and both jalapeño and habañero peppers.

 BBQ Brisket
The bark is part of the bite: A gorgeous beef brisket. Too bad you can’t smell it over the Internet.

My teammates - Job Johnny and the inimitable Bartimus Magnificus - will back me up.  My thanks to both of them for helping make this a memorable weekend... even without the trophical trinkets.

Moshe Ribeinu
(What we look like when Bartimus is not standing on tiptoes and Johnny and I aren’t crouching.)


  1. That looks like delicious fun! :)

  2. I...CAN...SMELL...IT! And even taste it, via your scrumptious description, photos and the triumphant smile of the three chefs! Never mind the brass. You earned a triple bravo from your fans and readers.

  3. Mike in Mis'sippiMay 23, 2012 at 5:31 PM

    Nummers! So when can we expect the Big Book of BBQ, complete with recipes and pics?

  4. That brisket looks amazing! Yes yes, I *can* smell it from here :D

  5. is that a tilly? oh and the bbq looks good too..

  6. @Gerald - Yes, that is indeed a Tilley... just bought it a month ago, the first one I have ever owned. So far, I am very pleased with it.

    As for the BBQ, it tasted even better than it looked, although I acknowledge that I am not a completely disinterested party.

  7. It's my Tilley Canadian hat. I KNEW IT. I lift mine on the side. Best hat in the world. You'll never be sorry!


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