Friday, April 27, 2012


When I was seventeen
It was a very good year
It was a good year for small-town girls
And soft summer nights
We´d hide from the lights
On the village green
When I was seventeen...

...But now the days grow short
 In the autumn of the year
And now I think of my life
As vintage wine from fine old kegs
From the brim to the dregs
And it poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year

- excerpted from Ervin Drake’s “It Was a Very Good Year” - a song made famous by Frank Sinatra.

A Study in Beige
The birthday girl.

Hakuna turns seventeen today.

She may be elderly as far as the Kitty-Calendar is concerned, but she still chases the laser mouse with the eager zeal of a kitten.

Happy birthday, Koonie!


  1. A very happy birthday to a very beautiful kitteh.... 17 is respectable *indeed* :)

  2. Belated Happy Birfday wishes to Da Kitty!

  3. Happy birthday, beautiful Hakuna! Kitty hugs and skritches to you!

  4. She is one beautiful cat. Happy birthday to her.

  5. Yo, Girlfriend!

    Hope I look as good as you when I reach your age!

    Bappy Hirthday! :-D

  6. Congrats, Hakuna!! May your days be full of lazy naps, and your food bowl full of tasty fish!

  7. Happy Birthday Hakuna!
    Doesn't look a day over 12!


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