Saturday, October 29, 2011


Liveblogging from the Straight White Compound in Tennessee...


  1. I'm listening to all of you. It's wonderful. Lifting my glass (Chateauneuf du Pape) to your good health! And singing...Thanks for the party!

  2. OMG Claudia! I'm glad you were drinking. I've pretty much lost my voice but I get away with it because the bloggers are either drunk or tone deaf. Jimbo, on the other hand can still carry a tune.

    You missed my Bach as I played the Bourre and Jesu Joy of Man's desiring as I was warming up.

  3. Denny - I heard your (Bach) Joy of my Soul. I was very impressed. I wish you would have played it again. The Musical Duo was a lot of fun. I sang with both of you, and clapped hands and laughed with the people. I also wrote a comment on Facebook, and on Eric's blog. I had a great time. It would have been fun to tell all of you, right then, that I had joined the party. Please tell Mr.Jimbo that he is, with you, a great entertainer. And you certainly can carry a tune with gusto.


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