Monday, May 16, 2011


When good king Edward had to pee
He’d whip it out for all to see
The commoners would shriek and flee
And thus was born the Royal Wee.


  1. When Crazy George had to go whiz
    He would release the Royal Liz'
    Thus he produced a blue-ish fizz
    Then denied it was even his.

    Yeah...that was fun...

  2. I've never seen anything sillia
    Than your poem about George's porphyria.
    The disease drove him nuts,
    No ifs, ands, or buts -
    The mere thought of it gives me the willia.

  3. Um, sir... I'm going to need to see your license and registration. Sorry to say, but your poetic license seems to be under suspension. Step out of the car please... now sir.

  4. Grand Empereur Napoléon
    Quand Joséphine lui criait, "NON!"
    Courait de pays and pays
    Pour déverser bilieux pipi.


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