Saturday, January 29, 2011


I just had a Food-Baby
A really ugly kid
There really was no option
But to go slam down the lid
I took the silver handle
And I sent that kid away
I surely hope I do not have
Another one today


  1. Huzzah, Mr. Silverstein! And now, to complete the work, all we need is one of your trademark line-art illustrations!

    (I'm a big fan, by the way. A Fart in the Attic is my favorite, closely followed by The Shitting Spree and Where the Colon Ends.)

  2. On an equally-disgusting note:

    I picked one out of my proboscis -
    A greasy green booger,
    A nasal colossus.
    It tasted like sugar.

    Wrote that when I was about 15. Those jealous, snooty bastards at the magazines just refuse to print it.


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