Friday, September 24, 2010


It’s September, which means that it’s time for the semi-annual Love Bug Flight here in central Florida. And I am not referring to Disney-fied Volkswagens.

If you’ve ever spent any time around the Gulf Coast or in the Sunshine State, you are all too familiar with these critters. Great clouds of them cover the land twice a year: once in spring, the second in late summer. Drive any distance on an interstate highway during their migrations and your windshield and radiator grille will become heavily bespattered with their remains. Feh.

Love bugs - really, a kind of march fly - get their popular name from the fact that they invariably are seen conjoined, couple by couple, in a sort of flying flagrante delicto formation. They do not sting or bite; as far as we humans are concerned, they’re pretty harmless.

Which is not to say that it’s fun having them around. It’s difficult to enjoy a poolside morning amidst clouds of fuckflies. Get a room!

Gotta keep that in mind next time we plan a trip down here. Yeef.


  1. I have seen them so bad on my windshield I had to stop and wash it. They also have a lot of paint marring acid in them

  2. ... my goodness, what a nice visual..... here now it is 40 degrees with a stiff 25mph breeze coming in off of the North Sea......

  3. Was wondering how long it's been since I've had a moment to cruise my blogroll. Apparently the answer is since before June 17th.

    Love the new digs. Will update my link now...

  4. Yup, we're washing cars every dang weekend now. It's disgusting...

  5. They are, aside from mosquitos and lingering relatives, the most aggravating thing ever.
    I cannot hyperbolize enough on this.
    And now I'm fascinated by how weird "hyperbolize" looks typed out.
    It's the little things.


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