Sunday, August 1, 2010


Sensei: Grasshopper, what is the First Rule of the Water Pik?

Grasshopper: Sensei, the First Rule of the Water Pik is to be sure the irrigator tip of the Water Pik is in one’s mouth before engaging the “On” switch.

Sensei: Very good, Grasshopper. And what is the Second Rule of the Water Pik?

Grasshopper: Sensei, the Second Rule of the Water Pik is, if you ever violate the First Rule, do not admit it.


  1. Heh-heh...dork. The next installment could be:

    Grasshopper: Sensei, the First Rule of the Pinched Loaf is to be sure the hole of ones buttocks is centered precisely over the bowl before "Deployment" mode is activated.

    Sensei: Very good, Grasshopper. And what is the Second Rule of the Pinched Loaf?

    Grasshopper: Sensei, the Second Rule of the Pinched Loaf is, if you ever violate the First Rule, you must clean up the mess yourself.

  2. I thought the first rule of water pik was that you don't talk about water pik...

  3. @Erica - So, like, are you trying, in your own way, to tell a Personal Story?

  4. I'd occasionally employ the Water Pik as a method of de-spidering the upper corners of the bathroom...


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